An Explicit Coercivity Estimate of the Linearized Quantum Boltzmann Operator without Angular Cutoff

Tong Yang, Yu-Long Zhou

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


The quantum Boltzmann-Bose equation describes a large system of Bose-Einstein particles in the weak-coupling regime. If the particle interaction is governed by the inverse power law, the corresponding collision kernel has angular singularity. In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the coercivity estimate for the linearized quantum Boltzmann-Bose operator to capture the effects of the singularity and the fugacity. Precisely, the estimate explicitly reveals the dependence on the fugacity parameter before the Bose-Einstein condensation. With the coercivity estimate, the global in time well-posedness of the inhomogeneous quantum Boltzmann-Bose equation in the perturbative framework and stability of the Bose-Einstein equilibrium can be established.
Original languageEnglish
Article number110197
Pages (from-to)1-33
Number of pages33
JournalJournal of Functional Analysis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024


  • Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein equation
  • Coercivity estimate
  • Fugacity
  • Angular non-cutoff


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