An empirical research on the effect of custom satisfaction after recovery on customer relationship continuance

Q. Cong, Hong Yan, Y.M. Wang

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


為進一步探討令顧客滿意的服務補救對顧客形成關系持續意愿的作用機理,基于關系營銷的視角,以Morgan和Hunt的承諾-信任理論為基礎,采用結構方程建模的研究方法,構建并驗證顧客服務補救后滿意與顧客關系持續意愿之間的關系模型,研究數據來源于設定的銀行業服務失誤和對應的3種不同滿意水平的服務補救情景。實證結果顯示,顧客服務補救后滿意必須通過信任和關系承諾變量的中介作用維系顧客關系,而對顧客的關系持續意愿沒有直接的解釋力;在服務補救背景下,顧客信任通過顧客情感承諾變量間接影響關系承諾。研究揭示出服務補救是服務企業關系營銷的一種重要手段,對服務企業從服務補救的角度維系與顧客關系的管理實踐具有理論指導意義。||In order to study further on the affection mechanism of customer satisfaction after recovery on their relationship continuance intension,based on Morgan & Hunt′s Commitment-Trust theory,this paper develops and tests the relationship model between customer satisfaction after recovery and customer relationship′s continuance from the relationship marketing perspective by using Structure Equation Modeling methodology.The research data are collected from bank enterprises′scenarios about service failures and related recoveries of three different satisfaction levels.The empirical result shows that customer satisfaction with recovery has not direct influence on customer relationship′s continuance,but can affect by customer trust and relationship commitment which play the role of media.The result reveals that service recovery is the one of the important approach of relationship marketing,and this research on how to maintain relationships with customers from service recovery perspective is very valuable for service industrial.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)54-63
Number of pages10
Journal管理科学 (Journal of management sciences)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Customer satisfaction with recovery
  • Customer trust
  • affective commitment
  • Relationship commitment
  • Customer relationship continuance

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