Achievement Task Values and Expectancies: Student Awareness, Self-Efficacy and Learning Outcomes

Sara Johanna Sandberg

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Teaching and learningpeer-review


Expectancy-value theory is influential within educational and developmental psychology in terms of achievement motivation (Wigfield & Cambria, 2010). Several studies have examined the relationship between the psychological, social, contextual and cultural factors that impact students’ performance, task choice, task values, goals and outcomes. Researchers have found that students’ early optimism about their competencies becomes more realistic or even pessimistic as they grow older (Watt, 2004; Wigfield et al, 2006, etc.), and this impacts learning outcomes. The current study involves approximately 50 first year, low English proficiency students in an introductory EAP course at an EMI university in Hong Kong. The study examines whether raising student awareness of their values and expectancies through in-class activities (such as reflection, surveys, goal setting, and a learning contract) in the first weeks of term and mid-semester follow-up may have a positive impact on self-efficacy and learning outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusNot published / presented only - 31 Jan 2020
Event40th Thai TESOL and PAC Conference: Harmony in Diversity: ESL in Transcultural Society - Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 30 Jan 20201 Feb 2020


Conference40th Thai TESOL and PAC Conference
Internet address


  • expectancy-value theory,
  • student motivation


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