A strategic framework to confront socialization crisis in tourism

Dordaneh Davari, Liping Cai

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


Human interaction is the main requirement for the survival of society, yet recent technological developments such as artificial intelligence are causing a socialization crisis. The current study posits that, since socialization is at the core of tourism, socialization crisis threatens the traditional form of tourism as we know it, on one hand; innovative tourism can be a solution to confront the crisis, on the other hand. Specifically, the study is aimed at developing a strategic framework for human capital empowerment in tourism-centered entities. Using the symbolic interactionalism (SI) concept as a theoretical foundation, this research examines Stryker’s (1987) three axioms of SI to detect the distinctive attitudinal components (soft skills) most essential to improve social interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMTCON Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents Proceedings
EditorsFevzi Okumus, Basak Denizci, Muharrem Tuna
PublisherUniversity of South Florida M3 Centre
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023
EventThe 4th Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents: Tourism for a better World - Eresin Hotels Topkapı, Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 15 Mar 202318 Mar 2023


ConferenceThe 4th Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents
Abbreviated titleMTCON’23
Internet address


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