A problem-based learning system

Kin Man To, S. F. Chan, Betty S.W. Li

Research output: Publication in policy / professional / specialist journalArticle (for policy / professional audience)Academic researchpeer-review


The issues involved in revitalising the teaching and learning of textile merchandising subjects within a textile marketing and management program at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University are discussed. The course has evolved in two years into a problem-based curriculum, integrating knowledge from academic disciplines in technological management, product development, and marketing and supply chain and logistic management. The scope of merchandising knowledge is presented, and an examination of the changes in a typical merchandising practice over a decade. Problem-based learning is explained with its implications, structure and course design. The demands made on the students and the effectiveness of the system are further explored. The framework for course development is discussed with the development of an affinity (association) map, which is illustrated. Problem-centric teaching and learning permits students to explore complex but interdependent issues from a holistic point of view with several alternative approaches to a problem possible. Further benefits of the system are summarised.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Specialist publicationTextile Asia
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Business and International Management
  • Chemistry (miscellaneous)
  • General Business,Management and Accounting
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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