A Lattice-Based Certificateless Traceable Ring Signature Scheme

Junbin Liang, Jianye Huang, Qiong Huang, Liantao Lan, Man Ho Au

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


A ring signature (RS) scheme enables a group member to sign messages on behalf of its group without revealing the definite signer identify, but this also leads to the abuse of anonymity by malicious signers, which can be prevented by traceable ring signatures (TRS). Up until that point, traceable ring signatures have been secure based on the difficult problem of number-theoretic (discrete logarithms or RSA), but since the advent of quantum computers, traditional traceable ring signatures may no longer be secure. Thus Feng proposed a lattice based TRS, which are resistant to attacks by quantum computers. However, that works did not tackle the certificate management problem. To close this gap, a quantum-resistant certificateless TRS scheme was proposed in the study. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lattice based certificateless TRS. In detail, a specific TRS scheme was combined with the lattice-based certificateless signature technology to solve the certificate management problem while avoid key escrow problem. Additionally, a better zero-knowledge protocol is used to improve the computational efficiency of the scheme, and by reducing the soundness error of the zero-knowledge protocol, the number of runs of the zero-knowledge protocol is reduced, so that the communication overhead of the scheme is reduced. Under random oracle model, the proposed scheme satisfies tag-linkability, anonymity, exculpability and is secure based on the SIS problem and the DLWE problem. In conclusion, the proposed scheme is more practical and promising in e-voting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-27
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


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