
Hairong Yan

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


大多数雇佣家政工的专业人士和其他精英群体一方面希望保持自己的阶级优越感,另一方面也认可社会流动。开明的雇主们认识到"合适的"雇佣关系需要培训外来家政工的新的主体,才能最大程度调动她们的劳动积极性和情感劳动付出。从这个意义上说,提高素质的概念,既是一个作用于每个个体的社会流动的话语,又是一个阶级在日常生活实践中向另一个阶级言说、对这个阶级施加作用的支配过程。除了阶级问题之外,雇佣家务劳动中的性别问题仍然存在,那些可以依靠性别替身来解决家务问题的职业妇女也仍然没能从话语中解放出来。任何对家务劳动价值的严肃讨论都必须正视家务劳动的社会价值,并且通过性别问题和阶级问题的关联来寻求解放性的方案。||Most professional and elite people who have hired housekeepers want to maintain their superior class status while at the same time acknowledge social mobility. Open-minded employers realize that "proper" employment relationship involves the promotion of new housekeepers through training so as to bring into full play their work enthusiasm and enhance their emotional commitment to the job. In this sense, the notion of quality-promotion not only applies to the individuals seeking upward social mobility, but is also used by one class as manipulative utterance in daily life to the other class. Besides the class issue, the gender issue remains in hired household labour. Those professional women who use female proxy for household chores have yet to be liberated from sexist discourse on household chores. Any serious discussion on the value of household chores should pay attention to the social value of household labour and find solution in the inter-connection between gender issue and class issue.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)121-139
Number of pages19
Journal开放时代 (Open times)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Personal quality
  • Emotional commitment
  • Subjectivity
  • Body
  • Household chores

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