阅读教学课堂提问设计 : 普遍存在的问题与改进策略

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


课堂提问是最重要的教学行为之一,它直接制约着教学成效,与教师的专业发展也互为影响。现行阅读教学课堂提问中普遍存在提问数量过多、问题认知层次太低这两个典型问题,它们对于学生达成阅读学习目标、提高思维能力有着显著的负面影响。为了解决这两个问题,我们要采取平衡不同认知层次问题、问题与教学目标相配合、核心问题与辅助问题相辅相成等策略。||Classroom questioning is one of the essential skills in enhancing teaching and learning effectiveness. It also correlates to teachers’ professional development. The present classroom questioning in reading teaching appears two common problems, which involve the frequency of teachers’ questioning being too high and the lower level cognition of the question types. Two problems hinder the achievement of students' reading and the development of their thinking skills. To overcome these problems, we should balance the question types which include different levels of cognitive processing, enhance the relevance of the learning objectives to the questions and use supplementary questions to complement the core questions.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)45-50
Number of pages6
Journal课程·教材·教法 (Curriculum, teaching material and method)
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2009


  • Reading teaching
  • Questioning design
  • Common problems
  • Improving strategies

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