
Translated title of the contribution: A Review and Discussion of the Development of Internet-based Chinese Lessons

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


网络语言课程借助多媒体技术支持的网络平台辅助语言学习。多媒体教材图、文、音并茂,资源丰富,能够打破时间和空间的限制,为学习者提供了随时随地学习的便利。网络语言课程在信息化时代展示出的巨大活力,吸引了学习者和教育研究者的兴趣。网络语言课程对传统课程有补充意义,然而在实际操作上,网络课程仍存在着时效性不足、师生互动缺乏等问题,并不能完全取代传统课堂。有鉴于此,本文将结合华语网络课程的教学实例,分析其优点与亟待改善之处,并探讨网络语言教学的构架、特点以及华语网络课程的后续发展方向。||Internet-based language courses exploit the multimedia-rich internet platform to support language learning. They contain online multimedia language learning materials which are complete with pictures, texts and sounds. They allow learners to study whenever and wherever they want. In the information age, such virtual classrooms show remarkable vibrancy and have attracted the attention of learners and education researchers. While online language courses can supplement traditional classroom teaching, they still cannot replace physical classrooms completely as there is much room for their improvement. For example, there is a lack of interaction between teachers and students, and certain learning resources are outdated. This study analyses the strengths and weaknesses of several internet-based Chinese courses and discusses the teaching framework, features as well as the future developments and prospects of online Chinese courses.
Translated title of the contributionA Review and Discussion of the Development of Internet-based Chinese Lessons
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)33-44
Number of pages12
Journal华文学刊 (Journal of Chinese language education)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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