生態翻譯視域下的譯文批評研究: 以傑克·倫敦《熱愛生命》 兩中譯本為例

Translated title of the contribution: Translation Criticism from the Ecotranslation Perspective: A Case Study of Two Chinese Versions of Jack London’s Love of Life

Jianwen Liu, Kanglong Liu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


Ecology has become a prominent scientific discipline specifically dedicated to the research of the survival and sustainability of human civilization, cultures and languages. The rise of ecocritical theories has provided translation scholars with new ways of thinking through the relation between ecology and translation activities. From an ecotranslation perspective, translation is viewed primarily as a means of information communication that contributes to the interplay between humanity and natural ecology. Informed by this framework, we used the textual analysis methods under the theoretical underpinnings of ecocriticism to examine the two Chinese translations of Love of Life by Jack London. By comparing the two translation versions in the three ecodimensions of ecological holism, anthropocentrism and ecological aesthetics, we found that the ecological thoughts of the author and original work were to a large extent rewritten in the translation process. It is suggested that the ecocritical perspective can help to enrich the theory and practice of translation studies.
Translated title of the contributionTranslation Criticism from the Ecotranslation Perspective: A Case Study of Two Chinese Versions of Jack London’s Love of Life
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)21-34
Journal翻譯季刊 (Translation quarterly)
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


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