Second place of the IEOM Undergraduate Research Competition Award in the 3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Prize: Prize (teaching & learning)


Mr. Lo Cheung Yu (Alex), who is a graduate student of Enterprise Engineering with Management, won the second place of IEOM Undergraduate Research Competition Award in the 3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The awarded paper title is “A Scalable Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Reinforcement Learning” which is supervised by Dr. Carman Lee.

His paper aims to minimize the time required for vehicle routing by designing a nearly optimal routing path. The performance of the reinforcement learning model is obtained using a sequence to sequence deep learning network trained by policy gradient with the losses calculated by the REINFORCE algorithm. The model can be integrated into logistics systems for optimizing the operational efficiency.

The conference is organized by IEOM Society International, from 23-26 July 2019 in Pilsen, Czech Republic. It aims at providing a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and bridge the gap between the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management theory and its application in solving the most current problems and challenges faced by 21st century organizations. Thanks to the financial support by International Affair Office, Alex can travel to Czech Republic to present his research work and exchange idea with peers. It also brings a fruitful learning experience for him and enable him to join the international event.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsIEOM Society International
