Personal profile
Chinese Language & Communication Requirement (LCR)
Chinese Discipline- Specific Requirement (DSR)
Education/Academic qualification
Certificate in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Beijing Language and Culture University
Teacher Certificate, Education Department, Hong Kong (Sir Robert Black College of Education)
Master of Art in Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Doctor of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Certificate in Teaching Putonghua, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (School of Continuing Studies)
Master of Arts in Chinese Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bachelor of Arts, The Open University of Hong Kong
External positions
Trainer for teachers of the Hong Kong high school Chinese language curriculum, Education Bureau (Hong Kong)
Trainer for Primary School Teachers on Teaching Chinese Language to NCS Students, Education Bureau (Hong Kong)
Instructor of Certificate Course in Teaching Puyonghua for Primary School Teachers , Hong Kong Baptist University
Examiner (Language Proficiency Assessment for Putonghua Teachers), Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority
Teacher of Job-Related Putonghua Courses for Police Officers , SPEED
Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE), Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chan, C. S. (Recipient), Chan, S. D. (Recipient), Chan, C. C. (Recipient), Chan, W.-S. (Recipient), Chan, K. L. (Recipient), Chau Chan, W. Y. (Recipient), Cheung, C. K. (Recipient), Cheung, C. Y. (Recipient), Cheung, Y. M. (Recipient), Chiu, K. K. (Recipient), Chow, K. S. (Recipient), Fung, S. Y. R. (Recipient), Lam, O. (Recipient), Lam, Y. Y. (Recipient), Ngai, Y. C. (Recipient) & Tang, S. W. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Prize (teaching & learning)