Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Breastmilk more nutritious than formula: study Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 南華早報South China Morning Post, Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Over 80% breastmilk from Hong Kong lactating mother has sufficient nutrient level Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet 香港文匯報Wen Wei Po A11 Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title PolyU set up first breastmilk database Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 頭條日報Headline Daily P.32, Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Hong Kong Today: Study confirms nutritional value of breast milk Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 香港電台RTHK Radio 3 Media type Radio Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title PolyU breast milk database Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 晴報Sky Post Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Eat fish frequently for better breast milk quality Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 太陽報The Sun A14, Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title 95% breast milk from Hong Kong mother has sufficient DHA supply Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 經濟日報Hong Kong Economic Times A26, Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breastfeeding research in Hong Kong Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 都市日報Metro Daily P.18, Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breastmilk from Hong Kong mother has sufficient DHA content Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 星島日報Sing Tao Daily A08 Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breastmilk provides sufficient nutrients for babies Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet AM730 A32 Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breastmilk has sufficient DHA level Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 東方日報Oriental Daily A09 Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breast milk use is better, PolyU study confirms Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 英文虎報The Standard P07 Media type Print Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 22/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title PolyU establishes Hong Kong's first breast milk nutrient database Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Eurek Alert Media type Web Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breastmilk database Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 明報新聞網Ming Pao Media type Web Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL港聞/article/20150721/s00001/1437460744786/理大建母乳資料庫-港媽dha含量達標宜餵哺 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Breast milk database Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet DBC 數碼電台DBC Radio News, Media type Radio Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL理大建立全港首個母乳營養資料庫 Persons Man Sau Wong Title Study dispels young mums' fears about breast milk Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet RTHK English News Media type Radio Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 Persons Man Sau Wong Title PolyU set up breastmilk database Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet 經濟日報Hong Kong Economic Times, Media type Web Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL理大成立母乳營養資料庫 Persons Man Sau Wong Title PolyU establishes Hong Kong's first breast milk nutrient database Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Press Release Rocket Media type Web Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL Persons Man Sau Wong Title Hong Kong mother's milk contains plenty of nutrients, researchers find, deeming it superior to formula Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet South China Morning Post Media type Web Country/Territory Hong Kong Date 21/07/15 URL Persons Man Sau Wong
- Breastmilk
- Hong Kong lactating mothers
- nutrient database