Teaching Students how to use AI via Modelling Behaviour

  • Marshall Warren Yin (Invited speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


This 2023-2024 Semester 2 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Center for Independent Language Learning (CILL), I led a series of workshops on use of AI (Chat GPT) in language learning - writing, grammar and vocabulary, and speaking. The pedagogy used focused on:
– Having students read about research on AI usage (background and context)
– Instructor models desired behaviour
– Many examples given
– Show how to prompt in real time
– Monitor and encourage
– Use parallel technology - primarily databases and university library which students have access to and AI, for the most part, does not, as well as relevant websites that also help with language learning

This approach is driven by moulding behaviour in students rather than using policies, rules, and guidelines. Students are led through the process of thinking about what they want AI to do, reflecting on whether or not it is reasonable based on the literature (background and context). Once reasonable goals are established, the instructor takes those goals and models use of AI to meet those goals. Students see in real time the instructor prompting and further prompting, and making adjustments. Students are also given examples of past prompting and the results for further input. Then, just like behaviour or socialisation, time is given for safe, monitored practice. Safe in the sense that the instructor is there to help if needed, and can answer questions. It’s a feeling of safety in the learners, usually they end up being able to practise quite independently, but the instructor is there as a possible backup.
Period18 Jun 2024
Held atHong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • AI
  • Chat GPT
  • Teaching
  • ESL
  • Behavioural design
  • Behavior