Reviewer of NIOSH, CDC, USA

  • Ching Lam (Other)

Activity: Other activity typesAcademicians


Request for review of NIOSH, Division of Field Studies and Engineering new project

I am writing to request your assistance to serve as an external reviewer of a research project plan developed by NIOSH Researchers Kaitlin Kelly‐Reif and Laura Reynolds titled PPE availability and mental health outcomes in a healthcare worker cohort. This small project will address occupational safety and health issues related to COVID‐ 19. If you are willing and able to conduct a review of this project plan (~4 pages) I will send you the project plan, a conflict of interest declaration form, and a reviewer form. Through the reviewer form you would be asked to address the following five questions to guide your review:
Period20 Jul 20202021
Held atNIOSH, Division of Field Studies and Engineering, CDC, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational