External Evaluator, the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability (LeNSin) (2015-2018)

  • Benny C.H. Leong (Other)

Activity: Other activity typesOther


LeNSin, the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability (2015-2018), is an EU-supported (ERASMUS+) project involving 36 universities from Europe, India, China, Brasil, Mexico and South Africa, aiming at the promotion of a new generation of designers (and design educators) capable to effectively contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society for all.

The external evaluator will be requested to make an external evaluation of:
1) The local LeNSin Seminar;
2) The first local LeNSin Pilot Course;
3) The second local LeNSin Course;
4) The local LeNSin Labs
This will be reported by the external evaluator in two reports:
Report 1: Local LeNSin seminar and the first pilot course
Report 2: Second LeNSin pilot course and local LeNSin Lab
Deadline for report 1: September 30th, 2017
Deadline for report 2: Spring 2018
PeriodAug 2017Apr 2018
Held atLeNSin (Learning Network of Sustainability international) and LeNS-China
Degree of RecognitionInternational