Examiner - Visual Arts

  • Mau Wai Ng (Chief examiner)

Activity: Examination


Implemented since 1999, the examiner system is the process by which independent examiners are recruited from within the industry to form a panel to assess grant applications and make recommendations for the HKADC’s consideration. Recognising the benefits of peer assessment, the system also ensures that the process of grant assessment will be conducted fairly and impartially and is free of conflicts of interest.

Open recruitment and invitation to join the panel of examiners is done on a regularly basis. Examiners are tasked with the assessment of an array of grants administered by the HKADC.

The declaration of conflict of interest is vital to the effectiveness of the examiner system. Examiners are required to declare all interests and abide to the “Prevention of Bribery Ordinance” and “Code of Conduct” set out by the HKADC in order that the process of grant assessment and the writing of evaluation reports remain firmly independent and free of all potential conflicts. Particular importance is given to the protection of intellectual property rights and the safeguards of confidentiality during the assessment process.
Period1 Sept 200431 Dec 2020
Examination held at
  • Hong Kong Art Development Council
Degree of RecognitionLocal