Development of Pedestrian Wayfinding Signage System for Hong Kong – Feasibility Study: Meeting on Stakeholder Engagement for Consensus Building

  • Mau Wai Ng (Lead consultant)

Activity: Consultancy


ARUP have been appointed by Transport Department (TD) of the HKSAR Government as the Consultant to undertake the captioned Assignment. A copy of TD memo dated 22 February 2021 confirming our appointment (see attachment) is enclosed for your easy reference.

The scope of this project involves the development of a set of standards and guidance for pedestrian wayfinding signage system in Hong Kong. For the purpose of developing the design of the signage system, we are writing to invite you to attend the captioned consensus building meeting to exchange your view on the signage design on 12 May 2021 15:00 at our office in Kowloon Tong.

Brian Kwok and I were invited to provide feedback on the system.
Period12 May 2021
Work forArup Limited, China, China


  • information design
  • wayfinding