Awards Committee, Association for Contextual & Behavioral Science (External organisation)

Activity: Office holder / membership of professional bodiesOffice holder / member of committee


Member of Award Committee of ACBS.

ACBS is dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the advancement of human well-being through research and practice grounded in contextual behavioral science.

Mission Statement:
ACBS is an international community of scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, and others whose mission is to:

support a dynamic interaction between basic and applied research;
disseminate contextual behavioral science;
continue to develop principles, theories, and practical applications grounded in empirical knowledge and guided by the best available scientific evidence;
support all members who wish to participate in this work.
Period1 Aug 202131 Jul 2023
Held atAwards Committee, Association for Contextual & Behavioral Science, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational